If you are asking the question “Is an Associate Degree in Hospitality useful?”, now is the time to learn about the opportunities that will open up when you have a degree. While it only takes 2 years to earn an Associate’s when you are enrolled in school full time, you will still be making a time and monetary commitment, and knowing that the commitment is an investment and not an expense is important. If you are trying to decide whether or not committing 2 years to earning a degree in Hospitality Management is the right choice for you, read on and find out for yourself. 

What Will an Associate’s in Hospitality Teach You?

Associate’s degree programs are designed to help students attain a basic foundation of knowledge in the field and skills that are necessary in any area of business. By taking an Associate’s degree program majoring in Hospitality or Hospitality Management, you will learn hospitality theories and management practices that are specific to the field. In addition to field specific coursework, you will also take general education coursework that will help you strengthen your communications skills, both oral and written. Some of the courses you will take as you are earning your degree include: Marketing, Business Law, Food and Beverage Management and Human Resource Management.

What Can You Do With an Associate’s in Hospitality?

Many larger employers and Fortune 500 companies that have a lot of competition may prefer to hire candidates who possess a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality. While a B.A. or a B.S. may be preferred by larger employers, small and mid-sized companies may prefer to hire associate grads who are ready to learn because they receive lower salaries. Some of the positions that you can pursue with your Associate’s degree include: event planner, lodging manager, travel agent, spa manager, gaming manager and food and beverage manager. You can get a lot more leverage as a candidate when no degree is required to apply.

What Path Can You Take With An Associate’s Degree?

Now that you know what you can do with an Associate’s degree, it is important to consider what you can do in the future with your degree. If you would like to get in the industry as quickly as possible, earning your Associate’s first is the ideal choice. This gives you the leverage to enter into the industry, gain much-needed experience, and work towards a Bachelor’s degree so that you can pursue other opportunities and earn a higher salary. Many companies in the hospitality industry offer tuition reimbursement. If you want to get paid while you go to school, and you would like your employer to pay for your tuition, this may the best path to take.

Hospitality management is rated as one of the top 10 opportunities by CNN Money. Not only is the demand for trained managers high, so is the pay. With professionals in the field earning salaries between $80,000 and $120,000 after just 5 years, you can see why the occupation is high ranking and why students are choosing to major in hospitality. The first step to entering this high paying field is earning an Associate’s degree. If you are still wondering is an associate degree in hospitality useful, the answer to the question is most certainly yes.

For more information on earning your Hospitality Degree, please see Top 10 Best Online Hotel and Hospitality Management Degree Programs.