If you are debating whether or not you should pursue an online hospitality degree, you may be wondering where your degree can take you. New technologies and online college degree program structures have made distance learning opportunities much more beneficial than they once were. While an online hospitality degree program will help prepare you to fill a number of different roles in the industry, not all companies perceive online degrees the same. Knowing if an online degree will be looked on favorably in hospitality is extremely important. Read this guide before you enroll in a degree program online or on-campus.

The Evolving Reputation of the Online Degree

In the past, all online degrees were lumped together into a single category and labeled the substandard version of a college education. Some employers believed that students were essentially given the option to basically buy their degree online rather than learning the theory and practice that they would normally learn on-site.

Now that the industry has advanced, there has been an evolution in the perception of most online degrees in most industries, and the hospitality industry is no stranger to the evolution that is underway. With a Babson study showing that at least 74 percent of the leaders in academics rating learning outcomes for online classes equal to or superior to face-to-face courses, studying online for your hospitality degree is now a practical option.

The Employer Perception of an Applicant with an Online Degree

With officials and the public as a whole having a more positive attitude towards online degrees it has helped to change the way the top players in the hospitality industry look at these distance degrees. When applicants from diverse backgrounds all apply for the same hospitality management title, there is no telling whether the applicants with a traditional degree will have an advantage or not. It depends on what the organization values most and also how the hiring manager within the location places value on an online degree. It is fair to say that, with an exception to hiring managers who are not open to change, a majority will consider an online degree holder right alongside a traditional degree holder.

How Can an Online Degree Help You Market Yourself?

A resume is a marketing tool that helps you promote yourself as a great fit for open hospitality jobs. With this paper you can set yourself apart. You should always disclose that you have an online degree and then highlight the qualities you gained from studying online. Stress how driven you are and how your time management and organization skills have been strengthened over your career as an online college student. If you are able to market yourself so that you have applicable skills that the employer is looking for, the online degree can be beneficial.

No matter what career you would like to pursue, be sure that you choose an online degree program that is accredited with a recognized body. By searching for an accredited degree granting online school, you have peace of mind in knowing that your degree will be acknowledged by the government, other campus based institutions, licensing bodies and employers. Compare the degree program offerings and curriculum, and then enroll in an online program that offers a quality online hospitality degree.