Although there are a variety of things that hospitality students can do to make themselves more marketable job candidates, attaining a hospitality graduate degree can be a particularly effective strategy to implement. In addition to providing one with detailed information that will engender greater efficiency and excellence when at work, attaining a hospitality graduate degree informs employers that the job candidate has the discipline to attain the knowledge necessary to perform job tasks effectively. If you are interested in pursuing a hospitality graduate degree, you should know that there are a variety of different options that you can choose from. By learning more about these options, you can make an informed decision regarding which hospitality graduate degree is right for you.

Hospitality Graduate Degrees-The Basics

Although broadly defined, a hospitality degree is basically a degree that teaches students principles of amicability and customer service in preparation to serve clients in realms such as restaurants, hotels, amusement parks, cruise ships, convention centers, country clubs, and destination marketing organizations. Once an individual attains his bachelor’s degree in hospitality, he may want to consider pursuing a graduate degree in a related field. Doing so can make an individual a more marketable job candidate while also providing him or her with an expanded skill set which engenders a greater degree of expedience and excellence when one begins working in the chosen field.

Different Types Of Hospitality Degrees

1. Master of Science in Foodservice Business Management

With a Master of Science in Foodservice Business Management, students learn about the integral components of foodservice industry operations while also providing preparatory knowledge for those who want to pursue a career in hospitality business education or follow a similar corporate career path. Some of the courses you can expect to take include Hospitality Computer Information Systems, Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry, Hospitality Business Research, and Supply Chain Management.

2. The Master of Science in Hospitality Business Management

Students who pursue a Master’s degree in Hospitality Business Management are prepared to attain corporate level positions with consulting firms, hospitality companies, or other types of service organizations. Some of the courses that one would likely take when pursuing the Master of Science in Hospitality Business Management include Workforce Management in the Hospitality Industry, Marketing in the Hospitality Industry, Hospitality Computer Information Systems, Hospitality Business Research, Financial Management in the Hospitality Industry, and Supply Chain Management.

3. The Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business

This graduate program works to provide students with the research skills, theoretical knowledge, and hospitality business coursework that will promote efficiency and excellence within fields such as hospitality education and hospitality business. Some of the courses a student might take upon pursuing the Graduate Specialization in Hospitality Business include Hospitality Operations, Workforce Management in the Hospitality Industry, and Hospitality Computer Information Systems.

Other Considerations

Irrespective of which graduate degree program to which you apply after you obtain your undergraduate hospitality degree, you should know that you will generally be required to submit your GRE or GMAT scores during the application process. Since this is the case, you should take time to study and make your score as competitive as possible. You should also make a point to pursue any reputable internships you can as this will almost always be viewed favorably by the individuals who preside over the graduate school admission class. Once you obtain the graduate degree in your specialization of choice, you will be able to apply for a plethora of jobs. One such job, that of a hotel manager, earned employees a median annual income of $46,810 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


If you are thinking about pursuing a graduate degree in hospitality, you should know that doing so can afford you a variety of personal and professional benefits. By reviewing the information listed above, you can select the hospitality graduate degree that will be most appropriate and advantageous for your vocational goals.

Further Reading: Top 10 Best Online Hotel Management and Hospitality Degree Programs