
Hospitality Degrees at Columbia Southern University

Columbia Southern University appears in our ranking of the 5 Most Affordable Online Schools for Master’s in Hospitality.

Students who attend Columbia Southern University may enroll in one of two programs that include a Certificate in Hospitality & Tourism and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Hospitality and Tourism. Both programs are offered online, and students may enroll and attend from anywhere in the United States, as well as from international locations.

Students who aren’t interested in enrolling in a full-length undergraduate program may want to consider the Undergraduate Certificate in Hospitality & Tourism as their program choice. The program is designed to offer students a solid foundation in the practices of the tourism industry. Students should be aware that the certificate programs at Columbia Southern University aren’t eligible for federal student loans, but students may qualify for other aid from private sources.

Students will choose a total of four classes from the university’s offerings in hospitality to complete the certificate program. Class choices include Introduction to Hospitality, Accounting for Hospitality & Tourism, and Legal Aspects of Hospitality and Tourism. Students may also enroll in Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism, Resort Management & Operations, or Facilities Management and Design in Hospitality & Tourism.

Students interested in a full degree program at the university will want to explore the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Hospitality & Tourism. Like the certificate program this degree is offered online so that students can enroll from anywhere. Not only will students receive valuable lessons on hospitality and tourism, but they’ll also learn about the business side of those industries and how marketing and related topics influence hospitality and tourism.

To complete their degree, students must take 120 credits with 90 of those credits eligible for transfer. The university offers rolling admissions, which means that students can enroll at almost any time and begin classes within a few months. Degree requirements include classes in business, general education credits, classes in the student’s chosen concentration, and various electives. Prospective students who have already earned college credits should inquire about the possibility of transfer credits.

Within the hospitality and tourism concentration, students will take introductory classes in those areas, as well as Resort Management & Operations and Facilities Management & Design in Hospitality & Tourism. Students can then augment their degree experience with electives that should prove helpful in the industry. Students can learn about production management, team building, sales management, and organizational communication.

Learning outcomes for the bachelor’s degree include the ability to interpret business concepts, financial strategies, and principles, as well as the ability to analyze financial statements. Students will also understand how globalization impacts their work environment and how to utilize best practices for decision-making at the managerial level.

Some of the environments where students may find work after graduating from Columbia Southern University include lodging, tourism, recreation, and food service. Students may qualify for entry-level positions in the hospitality and tourism industries and may also gain skills that will help them move into management positions.

About Columbia Southern University

Columbia Southern University is headquartered in Orange Beach, Alabama, but the school mainly operates as an online school. The university was founded in 1993, and its first degrees were those in Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Engineering. Approximately 21,000 students attend the university, which has as its president the son of the institution’s founder. Many of the university’s students attend from international locations.

Degree programs are housed within three colleges that award a total of 26 different degrees and also offer 21 certificate programs. The school’s official colors are gold and navy blue. The university employs more than a thousand faculty and staff. From Blackboard, Inc., the university has won the Catalyst Award twice in the category of Exemplary Course. Students may qualify for tuition assistance from the United States Army.

Columbia Southern University Accreditation Details

Columbia Southern University is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission, which is one of the primary distance education accrediting agencies approved by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The university was first accredited in 2001 and will undergo reaffirmation of that accreditation during the 2021 school year.

The university also belongs to the Higher Education Transfer Alliance, which is a voluntary organization where schools work toward providing students with credits that are easily transferred between institutions. Additionally, Columbia Southern University belongs to the American Council on Education, which is an advocacy group for research and public policy in education.

Columbia Southern University Application Requirements

Applicants to undergraduate programs at Columbia Southern University must have a high school diploma or its equivalent at the time of enrollment. Students can gain unconditional admission when they provide the school with a completed application and their official school transcripts. Students may also gain conditional admission by providing the university with a self-certified record of their high school graduation.

Applicants who want to enroll in graduate-level programs must also provide the completed application and must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Students are eligible to enroll in up to six hours of classes at the graduate level while the university waits for the student’s official transcripts to complete the application process.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Undergraduate courses at Columbia Southern University are $230 per credit hour, graduate courses are $315 per credit hour, and doctoral courses are $375 per credit hour. Students attending through official learning partners may pay a lower rate. Active-duty members of the military may qualify for a per-credit-hour rate of $250.

Students can save money on their education at Columbia Southern University with scholarships, military benefits, or enrollment through partner institutions. Students are eligible for federal financial aid when they attend the university and can also apply for scholarships from state and private sources. Students who can demonstrate financial need may qualify for a Pell Grant, and other students may qualify for subsidized or unsubsidized student loans.

The university offers several scholarships awarded on a yearly basis, as well as others that are offered when students enroll in specific programs. For example, annual scholarships include the Hero Behind the Hero Scholarship and the Robert G. Mayes Memorial Scholarship.

Students may qualify for specialized scholarships for programs in fire and emergency services, criminal justice, and workplace safety. Prospective students of Columbia Southern University should inquire with the school to see if they’re eligible for any institutional scholarships.