

Hospitality Degrees Offered at Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southeastern Oklahoma State University appears in our ranking of the 5 Most Affordable Online Schools for Master’s in Hospitality.

Students who are interested in hospitality degrees from Southeastern Oklahoma State University have a variety of options available to them. Some degrees are offered solely online, which allows the student to learn at their own pace. Others are traditional classes taught at the college. Students can find both undergraduate and graduate degree options online and traditionally, allowing them to choose the one that best fits their needs.

The traditional undergraduate degree option offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management. Students must complete 44 semester hours of general education, which includes communications, science/mathematics, social/behavioral sciences, and humanities. For the major aspect (hospitality), students must complete 67 semester hours. Entertainment hospitality courses are included to help students get a well-rounded education that can help them choose from a variety of careers.

Business courses include accounting, professional writing, marketing principles, and more. Hospitality courses can include supervisor management, restaurant operations, tourism marketing, and Native American gaming management, among others.

The online-only undergraduate degree option offers the same Bachelor’s degree and requires the student to complete 43 business-core credits, 44 general education credits, and 24 hospitality management credits. Similar courses are offered throughout the course options to ensure that students have a well-rounded education.

The master’s degree is available for students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree. With this coursework, students learn more about a variety of management options, including those relating to hospitality. The Master of Business Administration for Hospitality Management includes behavioral management, accounting, research methods, strategic management, contemporary issues, and much more. Students also take hospitality marketing and human resource management courses. Students may also choose a variety of electives or take a minor relating to entertainment management, which can include learning about theaters, sporting events, museums, and more. This course is only offered online.

Students who would like to focus primarily on Sports management can choose a Master of Science for Sport Studies Administration, which includes online or traditional course-taking options.

About Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Southeastern Oklahoma State University was founded in 1909 and currently has seven locations to serve its students. Locations include Idabel, Durant, Ardmore, Midwest City, McAlester, and Grayson College, which includes Van Alstyne and Denison, both located in Texas.

The top five majors include Business, Occupational Safety and Health, Liberal and Applied Studies, Biology, and Elementary Education.

There are a variety of buildings located on the Durant facility, such as the Shearer Hall (residence hall), Glen D. Johnson Student Union (student activities), and the Bloomer Sullivan Arena (sports).

Southeastern Oklahoma State University Accreditation Details

Southeastern Oklahoma State University is, overall, accredited by the HLC (Higher Learning Commission). The John Massey Business School also holds its own accreditation with the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Any teacher education programs offered at SOSU is accredited by CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation). Along with such, SOSU is the state headquarters for the OKSBDC (Oklahoma Small Business Development Centers). This network is accredited by ASBDC (National Association of Small Business Development Centers).

Southeastern Oklahoma State University Application Requirements

Students who wish to apply for admission to Southeastern Oklahoma State University should note that admission requirements can vary. Undergraduate admission is primarily based on the prospective student’s previous education. However, Freshman students must take the SAT or ACT and get a 20 on the ACT or an SAT equivalent. They must also have a GPA of at least 2.7 and rank within the upper 50 percent of their graduating class. They must have completed four years of English, three years of mathematics, three years of history/citizenship skills, three years of lab science, and two years of a foreign language or computer science coursework. Students must also complete college placement tests if they haven’t met required sub-scoring for the ACT/SAT or did not meet high school requirements.

Students who wish to apply for admission to Southeastern Oklahoma State University as a graduate must complete their Application for Admission for graduate study. They also require an official transcript from every university or college they attended, including both undergraduate and graduate work, with documentation of earning a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. There is a $20.00 application fee.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition is something that all students must pay if they are accepted to the college. Once a student is accepted, it is essential that they apply for financial aid to help cover the costs of their education.

While online coursework makes it easy to understand tuition ($285 per credit hour), other educational pathways are a little more confusing. Online education requires a minimum of 124 credit hours, so students can be expected to pay a total of $35,340 when they’re finished with their education. The tuition, in this case, is paid as you go, so students can pay for each credit when they get the money to do so. They also have an application fee to pay of $20 to apply for admission.

Undergraduates who would like to attend SOSU onsite (a traditional college education), can expect to pay about $15,720 per semester. This price is before any financial aid that students may receive. It is recommended that students apply for financial aid to help offset the cost of education. There are likely two semesters for each school year, and students can expect to attend school for four years or eight total semesters.

The online Master of Business Admin for Hospitality Management is likely to cost approximately $330 per credit hour. The entire program, including all fees, should cost about $11,880.

Again, financial aid is available to those who qualify. Students can find need-based and merit-based scholarships available from the college and may be able to apply for these scholarships on their own directly from the awarder. It is best, if a student wants to use financial aid, that he or she apply for aid using the FAFSA form, which can be found on the website. Students should apply for financial aid and get award amounts and finalize everything before the first day of school at Southeastern Oklahoma State University.